Women and tech. This is how it works at OWIS!

Girls Day 2024
It's no secret that we have a passion for high-precision products. So it's all the better when we can share this passion with others. We had a great opportunity to do so. Five interested girls visited us on Girls' Day and we showed them how we develop and manufacture these high-precision products, namely beam guidance and micropositioning systems, here in Staufen.
We started in the design department. This is where we turn ideas into real products. Daniel Buß showed the curious visitors how he uses the 3D programme. And since even the smallest detail can be magnified many times over on the screen, we used a human hair to demonstrate the almost unimaginably small dimensions in which we work here at OWIS.
With the construction drawing in hand, we moved on to our manufacturing department, where Fabian Muckenhirn was standing by at a CNC machine. He showed how individual components of our products are given the desired shape. Highly precise and in the micrometer range, of course. The automation is of particular interest, of course. A small, tireless robot adds material while the machine mills.
The girls were able to experience for themselves in a first practical exercise with the file how the metal we process feels and how different steel, brass and aluminium are.
The best preparation for the next stop! In our assembly department, we build highly sensitive components into finished solutions. Everything has to be just right. Tools, cleanliness, care and sensitivity. All the girls agreed on that. Kathrin Zöller and Stefan Schmidt used the example of an optical component - a transadjustment - to explain how this works and what needs to be taken into account. And then everyone was allowed to try it out for themselves...
Until Timm Stiegeler picked up the girls and took them to the service and support department. Because even when the products are sold, our work doesn't stop. It's important to us that our customers use the products correctly, are satisfied and can realize their groundbreaking ideas with the help of our components and systems.
As a surprise, the girls were allowed to personalize a small souvenir - a pipe - with their names on the engraving machine under the guidance of Fabian Giesin. Great!
A special day for us all! Anna Schillinger adds with a smile: ‘It wasn't just the girls who saw and learnt a lot today. It was also exciting and very entertaining for me. I'm convinced that we really impressed the girls!’ Anna Schillinger planned and organized the day together with Guido Großmann.
We would like to thank everyone involved – you are a great team!
See you at the next Girls Day!